Rewriting and SEO Optimization

You want to rewrite some content to optimize your SEO on Google. Gain visibility, but also credibility. I help you enrich your content to make it more engaging and relevant.
We can never repeat it enough: quality SEO-optimized content will bring you qualified traffic and therefore a better conversion rate.
But for that, it is important to update its content regularly. Why? Because digital, and more specifically SEO, is constantly changing. Doing an SEO watch is mandatory to know the rules, but also to have the latest changes made by Google or other search engines. Implementing an SEO strategy is not easy. And I want to say, each to his own job! If your content is not optimized, you will inevitably be penalized and therefore no one will visit your web page.
Optimize your website with existing content
Having quality content is not just a simple search for keywords to place in your text. Of course, it is important to quote them, but not only. When you want to increase your conversion rates, it is essential to develop your semantic field, but also to produce a lot (really a lot!) of high-performance content related to your activity. This is why I was telling you about the importance of having a professional blog integrated into your website.
But if you already have content on your site, it is quite possible to optimize your writing: whether it is your home page, your services, or your product sheets for example, if you have an e-commerce site.
In this case, in addition to rewriting your content, my mission will also be to check:
The titles make them more efficient
The meta description of your web pages to make them more promising and attractive
Writing Hn tags to improve your SEO
Internal linking for an SEO-friendly site
All these criteria are part of an SEO content strategy to be put in place to optimize the visibility of your website. In addition, we can also add some images as well as certain elements which can bring added value while underlining your authority. This may be social proof such as customer testimonials, recognized partners, or simply your certifications.
Boost traffic on existing pages with content optimization
You already have content, but now you have practically no traffic. Normally, your article ends up in 12th place, that is to say, relegated to the second page on Google. And let’s say that less than 10% of people will click on it. Even less, if you position yourself on the 3rd page, and so on…
Analysis of the competition on the web
Do not panic! In these cases, we can completely rework the content, after having carefully studied your competitors, that is to say, those who are in the top 3 of search engines. We will focus on:
Keyword research
Low competition secondary keywords
Turns of phrase
The semantic field
The internal link
Use Google Search Console to optimize your existing content
The best way to analyze your content is to use Google Search Console, and if you don’t have it, I strongly advise you to integrate it into your website or blog. This SEO marketing tool will allow you to better understand your traffic and then prioritize areas for improvement. Thus, it will be easier to favor certain pages to boost their natural referencing rather than others.
In summary, I strongly advise you to regularly analyze your traffic. SEO is constantly changing and some pages will be penalized because your links are dead or simply have not worked enough. Others, on the other hand, can be put forward because the content will be of better quality and perfectly optimized.
Do you want to analyze your existing pages to boost their SEO? Contact me.