Blog Posts

Today, it is very easy to integrate a professional blog into your website. On the other hand, not having one means missing out on being well-referenced. Why? Because Google loves constantly updated websites with quality and optimized content.
Thus, the regular publication of articles is essential to improve your natural referencing and considerably increase your traffic. An added value that unfortunately many sites underestimate, and yet whether you are a business or a freelancer, having a blog is a major asset for your business. Here are 4 Benefits of having a Blog.
1. Gain authority and improve your brand image by creating your business blog
Having an editorial strategy means: creating regular and quality content. And having a blog is clearly part of this strategy. To do this, you just need to regularly publish articles with themes related to its activity and there, you will see: it’s a win-win!
You will get more visibility, that’s for sure, but above all, you will considerably improve your brand image. With relevant advice, you will provide answers to the questions your customers are asking. A way to prove your authority and position yourself as an expert in your field. And who says expert, says credibility and therefore “trust”. Know that as a business owner, it’s just as strategic to attract new clients who will need your services.
2. Improve your natural referencing thanks to your blog articles
I’m not telling you anything by telling you that search engines, especially Google, love quality content that generates traffic. So by regularly publishing blog articles on your website, you have a better chance of positioning yourself on the first search results.
Note to remember, however, these articles must be optimized for natural referencing, with strategic keywords and an ultra-developed semantic field. Otherwise, your items will risk sitting in the closet. I mean that no one will link you, let alone Google robots who will probably miss it, and therefore not index your pages.
3. Generate more shares and visibility on the networks with a content strategy
If the blog articles respond to specific themes and their content is relevant, there is a good chance that they will be shared on social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.
Your interest in all this? Well, that’s free communication for you. Once your blog article has been shared, you multiply the points of contact and therefore once again expand your audience. More visibility, more traffic, and therefore more prospects!
Having a professional blog allows you to create viral articles, and humanize your business by being more connected to your community thanks to informative content and not just commercial content.
4. Acquire more and more qualified traffic with your blog posts
By positioning yourself on key queries, that is to say, keywords that effectively meet the needs of your client, you will be able to considerably broaden your target by multiplying contacts thanks to your blog. This is part of your acquisition strategy, which means more prospects, also means more customers, and therefore a better conversion rate.
Nevertheless, it is essential that your content is of high quality and above all optimized for natural referencing.
Another aspect not to be overlooked when you have a blog: the creation of content must meet several types of intentions. That is to say, you need to publish several articles on a specific subject, but under different approaches. In conclusion, writing a single page on a theme is no longer enough to position yourself as an expert and improve your natural referencing.
Do you want SEO blogs written for your business? Contact me.