Editorial Strategy

Tired of coming up with content ideas? Let’s create together an effective editorial strategy with relevant themes for your business. In addition to saving time and organization, it allows you to create a real emotional relationship with your prospects.
In order to communicate coherently with your community, I advise you to set up an editorial calendar: an essential tool when it comes to content marketing. Especially since your content will be broadcast on different networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc.
But now, you may be wondering what is an editorial strategy. And above all, how to go about making it really effective?
Editorial strategy: the key to getting qualified traffic
Whether you are an entrepreneur or have a brand with products to sell, it is important to think carefully about your communication strategy. It will act as a sort of showcase to attract and retain your customers. So to make your creative flow speak and have ever more relevant content for your customers, here are some key points to know.
Create an editorial strategy to boost your business
Everyone talks to you about editorial strategy, but you wonder what it’s for. Well, let’s say it helps you, first of all, to come up with content ideas. Once organized, you just need to plan them using an editorial calendar to optimize your communication strategy as much as possible.
By setting up an editorial schedule, you ensure the production of content regularly, without worrying too much, but above all, you will:
Improve your natural referencing
Drive more traffic to your website
Expand your target audience by sharing your content on social networks
Have a more engaged community
Position yourself as an expert and therefore gain authority
Get more visibility with a tailor-made editorial line
Gaining visibility means above all obtaining more qualified traffic (in search of what you offer) and therefore generating more turnover. Remember: organic traffic is the best way to attract your future customers because by typing the keywords that define you, there is a good chance that they will click on your website (provided that it is well-optimized SEO!).
The objective of setting up an editorial strategy for your business is to create a relationship of trust with your community. For this, it is essential to work upstream of the production of its content by asking yourself the right questions:
What is your mission?
Who are your clients?
What are their needs? their problems?
Do they have fears? what are their barriers to buying?
Where do they get the information? on Google ? and what other distribution channels?
What is their path to purchase?
Once you understand how it works, you need to set your goals. Specific objectives, but above all measurable. Do you want to generate more traffic? subscribers? gain notoriety?
For each content, it will be important to specify the call to action (CTA) to allow you to achieve these objectives.
Each content will be planned in an editorial calendar and must contain precise information such as the title, the theme, the format chosen, the distribution channel (if Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc.), the deadline, and the date of publication.
Become an expert with your content strategy
Creating relevant content on a regular basis is the best way to ensure an engaged audience. By mastering your subjects perfectly, a bond of trust is gradually established with your community and you gain visibility at the same time. According to several studies, the behavior of buyers is influenced mainly by the quality of their content. If your article is good, there is a good chance that it will go viral, that is to say, that it will be widely shared on social networks.
Thus, we can qualify content marketing as a web marketing strategy to make you stand out. By creating relevant content for your target, you gain their trust and authority. But secretly, you also gain influence. Your audience will follow you because it is you who propose it, you who talk about it. Because you will have understood her needs and have been able to establish a close relationship with her.
This is the strength of a successful editorial strategy: not talking only about you and your commercial offer. But, address your entire community so that it identifies with you by communicating with very specific codes.
More and more influencers seek to reach their target audience in the heart with topics on different themes, using empathy. Their speech, well-formatted, is run in and nothing is left to chance. People recognize each other perfectly, which leads to more shares. More comments. Hence, more visibility.
What you need to remember when talking about editorial strategy is above all to promote relevant and coherent content in line with your values and your personal branding. The key to a successful editorial line is to produce quality content and target your audience: knowing their issues allows you to create a more authentic relationship with them. Your community will be much more engaged.
If you want an effective editorial strategy for your business, Contact me.