Perhaps you may already blog but are considering stopping. Then, maybe these 14 benefits of business blogging will make you want to write your next blog post tomorrow. Nonetheless, I will not persuade you to start a blog. I will just give you the 14 Reasons to Offer a Blog to Grow your Business.
Business Blogging: What Is It?
Having a blog for your business, in a nutshell, is the process of creating instructional, inspiring, or inspirational content. You incorporate them into your website and spread the word about them via social media and email. Google will also index your blogs. A business blog provides an answer to a reader’s question or concern. You convey knowledge, advice, and/or motivation to people.
You are not selling anything on your company blog. If you indicate you have spaces remaining for the next session or inform us, but your blog is not a sales website. 14 Reasons to Offer a Blog to Grow Business.
The impact of a business blog
Businesses that blog see a boost in business. They credit a portion of this growth, for example, to their sales page. They forget that a sales page is more profitable if your mailing list is larger (which you can accomplish through blogging!). If people have been following you for a while and believe you are an expert in your field (which you can achieve through blogging!). And, if people know you are an expert in your field (which you can accomplish through blogging!).
In addition, blog posts often rank so well on Google that they get more traffic for your website than your homepage does. You will lose effectiveness without a company blog. A well-written business blog serves as the motor for your online business. It is a highly effective marketing strategy. Why is business blogging measurable? While I believe the statistics, the logic clarifies the benefits of a company blog. 14 Reasons to Offer a Blog to Grow Business.
1) Starting a blog is cheaper than advertising
Have a blog for your business. Advertising can be quite expensive. If you advertise online, you pay for the number of views on a timeline without a guarantee that it will be seen.
If you blog, you will improve your Google ranking. People with a question or a problem enter a search phrase, and your page appears. Additionally, when you promote your blog via social media, only interested people will click through. As a result, you do not impose anything on anyone. As such, business blogging is a sort of pull marketing.
People will approach you. Push marketing is when you bother people without their permission or block their view with a billboard. To be honest, why would you pay for something that barely works? Perhaps a multimillion-dollar corporation can afford this, and they will surely benefit. However, business blogging works considerably better for business people like you and me.
The nice thing is that Google doesn’t look at the size of a company or your status as a business. With a relevant blog, you can easily rank higher than the business giants. Business blogging will only cost you time and energy, and you must be willing to share your knowledge.
2) Knowledge is the foundation of growth
You are probably familiar with the expression “knowledge is power.” I immediately think of secret services and misuse of power. For instance, an embarrassing fact about someone can confer authority on you. However, I hope that’s not what you teach your readers through your blog posts!
Knowledge is power
I believe that trying to spread your expertise demonstrates confidence. Collective knowledge benefits everyone. That is why information is so powerful. Consider what would have happened if Einstein had kept his information to himself… And how many inventions are the results of a single person’s efforts? Typically, a team is behind it: Everyone Achieves More When We Work Together.
3) Through business blogging, you can connect with your ideal customer
Your blogs are targeted at a certain audience. People are influenced by what you have to say and the manner in which you say it. You do not go on a customer hunt; rather, you invite customers to knock on your door. Without advertising, “using a company blog as the center of your marketing will help you build your brand and customer base.” Business blogging is a long-term strategy.
Don’t expect a series of new customers to show up in the week following your first blog. That takes time, and one blog isn’t enough to give people the chance to get to know you.
4) Give first: you must sell fewer items
What’s that, fewer sales? You want your company blog to result in an increase in sales, correct? Exactly, only selling requires less work on your part. As a result, you will spend less time on sales. It’s perfect if, like me, you’re not a natural-born salesperson!
As seen in point 3, you reach a greater number of ideal customers. And these are people who are significantly more likely to contact you than the average website visitor. Even so, you and your potential customer must develop a relationship.
A critical marketing principle is first to give and then take the initiative. You provide a sample, a sneak peek, or share helpful ideas in your articles. The more generously you give, the more generously you receive. When people around you say, “John, you shouldn’t give everything away,” you know you’re doing well.
Customers will no longer require your purchased services in this manner. That is a legitimate concern for many businesses. However, your posts demonstrate a lack of respect for the customer. You do not spend time with someone one-on-one, and you do not provide customization. That is where your offer comes into play.
5) Starting a business blog will help you rank higher on Google
As I previously stated, business blogging helps your website rank higher on Google. This is due to a variety of circumstances that support one another.
On average, a website with a business blog generates 55% more visits. These are obtained, among other ways, through social media. And how about your newsletter informing readers of a new blog? Additionally, Google maintains a consistent influx of visitors.
The more traffic your website receives, the more obvious it is to Google that you are relevant. Your website will appear more frequently in search results, resulting in more traffic.
As a result of the increased traffic, your ranking improves. And then you’ll be discovered by even more people via Google.
If you share useful ideas, you will receive links from other websites. These are referred to as “backlinks.” Google uses the number of quality backlinks as a ranking factor. Businesses that maintain a blog receive 97% more backlinks. The majority of links in blogs point to other blog articles, not the blog’s home page. Thus, backlinks contribute to brand exposure!
With each blog post, your website expands by one page. Assume your website includes a homepage, an about-you page, an offer page, and a contact form. That equates to four pages. If you blog every two weeks, you’ll build a website with more than 25 pages in a year. This represents a six-fold increase!
It’s natural that you’ll appear more frequently in search results. Business blogs perform exceptionally well when it comes to long-tail search phrases (four words or more). When users click over to your site, Google interprets this as a signal of your relevance.
Business blogging also helps Google accomplish its mission.
Google’s goal is to organize the world’s information and make it accessible and useful to everyone.
6) Business blogging makes your business visible
Google ranking undoubtedly adds to this. However, it is primarily your unique content that establishes your visibility. People who read something about you develop an interest in who you are and what you do.
They browse your website and develop an interest in you. They will remember you. They will spread the word about you and are eager to assist you by sharing your material. These are your representatives.
7) Blogs make it simple to set yourself apart
Your writing style draws readers in with your sense of humor, inspirational stories, and practical advice. What you have to offer and what you stand for are becoming obvious. You provide something that your competitors do not, or convey it uniquely. Naturally, you must still be able to convey, in a few phrases, who you are, what you do, and what distinguishes you. However, it is your blogs that truly distinguish you.
This verifies that the information on the “about you” page is accurate. Are you as inspirational as you claim? Are you that knowledgeable, or do your readers question how you obtained your diploma…?
If you want to reach more people, you will have to show yourself and distinguish yourself. With a business blog, you set up an attractive shop window. This is how you stand out in the shopping district called the Internet.
8) Create a blog to help people learn more about you
You are not required to inform us if you have children or the name of your dog. Keep in mind that a person is not synonymous with private! Everything about your blogs represents your personality: the examples you use, the anecdotes you share, and the writing style you employ.
The more you write, the more natural it gets. You’ll discover your own voice, and the lines between online and offline contact (as well as between writing and speaking!) will dissolve. You speak to your ideal customers in your own voice!
9) A company blog helps you connect with your customers
People take action as a result of your information, motivation, and inspiration. You have an effect on people. That is not to be underestimated. Demonstrate that you are engaged with the reader.
A blog is an effective platform for providing answers. Create blog posts from your frequently asked questions (FAQs). A potential consumer will be more likely to consider you as a resource when purchasing your product or service.
10) You improve your relationship with the (potential) customer
As I have stated, business blogging is a relationship-driven endeavor. Thus, it is not a single article. Additionally, attempt to elicit interaction; a healthy relationship is not a one-way track. Reply to comments and social media posts.
A blog is an excellent place to start a conversation. I view a blog post as a conversation at the counter. You offer guidance and are informed, helpful, and empathetic. Even if they do not purchase anything, they will remember you and, if it is in your best interest, will suggest you to others! Emails sent in response to an item on your site also contribute to the relationship’s development.
11) When you blog, your mailing list expands
Readers will either like you (or not) or trust you through your blog. The terms “know, like, and trust” alludes to these three factors. It is not an either-or situation with your company blog; you focus on all three areas concurrently.
Each blog concludes with a call to action. That could be a request for a response, or it could be a means to draw attention to your offer. If your essay is valuable enough, it will pique the reader’s interest in your e-book, video series, or whatever else you offer.
This is how your mailing list grows in size. Not only will you receive more internet traffic, but also a more significant number of people will request your giveaway. According to the research I mentioned previously, business blogs generate 67% more leads.
In order for potential consumers to develop trust in you, you must continue nurturing the relationship after everyone has subscribed to your email list. This trust is needed to get people to do business with you online and become your customers.
12) Business blogging helps you establish yourself as an expert
Even if you dislike me, there is a possibility that I will assist you with my business blogging. If people value your blogs and learn from them, they will think of you as an expert.
If you are an expert in your niche or industry, you are the first person to think about it. You are in command of the situation. And you’re well on your path to becoming the market’s most valuable person (MVP).
I despise the term “expert status,” and “establishing authority” sounds even worse!?! One thing is certain: business blogging will aid in the development of your authority. That’s a pleasant bonus, but what’s even more enjoyable is how much you grow in your capacity as an expert.
13) You Advance Professionally
Occasionally, your blogs will require you to brush off your knowledge. You monitor current events in your field with one goal in mind: what will be of interest to my readers? You reawaken your inner expert. Furthermore, you provide him with food. And, like anything else that you feed, that expert will grow in stature.
Business blogging is part of your company’s marketing activities, but you are also simply engaged in your profession. So when people complain that blogging takes a lot of time, my first counter-argument is: your craftsmanship grows!
Assume you “heard” something. That is far too broad a statement to make in a blog entry. You are on the lookout for the source. Is the data correct? Verify your facts constantly. During your studies, you’ll learn about interesting websites that you didn’t know about before. These websites can be both national and international.
You want to convey the story to the reader succinctly. You must reconcile the facts, and you’re reasoning on your own. Additionally, you must reach a conclusion. You begin by writing, then deleting everything irrelevant until the story is complete. This is true not only for articles but also for videos, where you must be much more succinct.
If someone later inquires about this subject, you do not have to falter or form an opinion on the spot. You can discuss it and be prepared with facts.
14) A business blog has no expiration date
Keep an eye on the publication dates of articles that appear on the first page of the results when conducting a Google search. These blogs are frequently several years old. However, Google will continue to direct people to your post as long as the information is relevant.
Keep your blogs updated to avoid disappointing visitors. Then a blog will exist in perpetuity. Contrast that to an advertising effort.